Gentle small group nordic walk

Thoresby Park The Courtyard, Thoresby Park, Newark, United Kingdom

A gentle 2-mile nordic walk at Thoresby Park to get us back into it.


*CANCELLED*Thursday Wellbeing Adventure at Thoresby Park

Thoresby Park The Courtyard, Thoresby Park, Newark, United Kingdom

Our Wellbeing Adventure walk is a gentle walk of between 2 and 3 miles. In contrast to our Monday Adventures this walk is at a slower pace with rest stops. We will be using mainly Level 1, with the aim of moving up into Level...


Technique Workshop

Thoresby Park The Courtyard, Thoresby Park, Newark, United Kingdom

This workshop is for those members who have already trained with Sherwood Nordic Walking and will have learned the 4-gear method. Having recently trained with the International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA) I have some new technique to share with you to ensure you are getting...
