Sherwood Nordic Walking are taking part in parkwalk at parkrun with our poles – want to join us?
Registration is free and you can do it here. You will create an account and be issued with your unique barcode. You will need to bring this with you on the day either on your phone or as a print out.
Our local parkrun is at Clumber Park. All parkruns take place at 9am on Saturdays.
Where to park: Enter Clumber Park at your usual entrance and then turn left just before the cricket pavilion to follow the track and park on the overflow field.
Where to meet: From the carpark walk alongside the walled garden towards Central Bark
What time: Let’s meet at Central Bark at 8.45am and we can warm up together
What next: The organisers gather newbies around and explain how it works just before the event begins
And we are off: The run/walk starts at 9am ish
How far: The course is 2 laps of 1.5 miles, so yes, we will be lapped by the runners.
As nordic walkers we are very welcome to take part. We will start at the back of the runners and be mindful of those around us. As the course is two laps we will be lapped by the runners, so when this happens we must ensure that we stick to the right side of the path in order for them to pass us safely. This is particularly important as we approach the finish section.
At the end of the two laps, we will enter a finish ‘funnel’ where we will need to show our barcode for it to be scanned. Our results (time, speed, comparison with others our age and sex) will be available online.
Let me know if you need further explanation and if you’d like to join us.